Thursday, May 16, 2013

Très Jolie

Here's to Angelina Jolie, who went through a double mastectomy this week. Her courage is breathtakingly admirable.


“I wanted to write this to tell other women that the decision to have a mastectomy was not easy, but it is one I am very happy that I made. My chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from 87 percent to under 5 percent. I can tell my children that they don’t need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer.”
                                                                    - Angelina Jolie, New York Times May 14, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013

Terry Valentino

Love the new F/W 2013 Valentino accessories ad campaign which features photographer Terry Richardson's tattooed arm. 


Wednesday, May 8, 2013


The only girls at the Met Ball worth mentioning

Cara Delevigne in Burberry

                                                                                Anne Hathaway in Valentino

Rooney Mara in Givenchy

                                                                                     Nicole Richie in Topshop

Everyone else was just trying a bit too hard 
(especially you, Madonna)

                                                          Madonna                                                        Miley Cyrus

                                                         Beyonce                                                                      SJP 

                                                                                                        Katy Perry 

And just in case you missed the sofa, here she is again. 


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mutton in Givenchy

I thought the guest list for this year's Met Gala was tighter than a nun's ass?

So how come SHE got in?