Your days of toting fake designer bags are numbered. In an unprecedented move, Chinese and American authorities have helped shut down a counterfeiting ring in China that is said to be producing LV, Hermès and Coach bags that are as fake as Heidi Montag's tits.
'A total of 73 people were arrested as part of the sting, code named
“Blue Plan,” which resulted in the shutdown of 37 sites involved in the
manufacture of low-quality copies of handbags from designer brands such
as Louis Vuitton, Coach and Hermès.
According to a statement
released by China’s Ministry of Public Security, 20,000 counterfeit bags
were seized, along with machinery and enough raw materials to construct
an additional 50,000 bags. In total, the entire counterfeiting
operation was estimated to be worth $802 million at current exchange
Scottish designer Christopher Kane is rumoured to be taking on the creative director role at Balenciaga following Nicholas Ghesquière's resignation earlier this month. Kane is slated to officially start on the 1st of December.
Sorry to be a douche, but I've never really been a fan of Kane's work. Sure, he went to Central Saint Martins (to be honest, who doesn't nowadays?!), made a bunch of clubby day- glo dresses and did some consultancy work with Donatella Versace for Versus but what could he bring to Balenciaga that he hasn't done already?
A feast for the senses or sensory overload?! You decide!! This is Peter Pilotto's Spring Summer 2013 collection featuring prints (a trend that has survived 3 seasons now!) that match and clash.
You can always rely on Monsieur Lagerfeld to teach us all a thing or two about utilisation.
And why not? In this current economic climate, fashioning things out of everyday objects kind of make sense.
For Spring/ Summer 2013 , he showcased clutch bags that seemed to have been made out of Lego pieces. A combination of toy and art, the bags will be on sale early
next year and has not been priced as yet.
After 15 years of stunning the fashion world with his amazing work and earning Balenciaga millions in revenue, Nicholas Ghesquiere - the genius who helped re-invent the cool label, has ended his tenure as it's Creative Director. It was a joint decision made between him and it's parent company, PPR.
'With an incomparable creative talent, Nicolas has brought to Balenciaga an artistic contribution essential to the unique influence of the house,' Francois-Henri Pinault, PPR chief executive.
With no reason given for his departure, the label insists that it was
'the fruit of a long reflection between the head of the brand and Nicolas Ghesquiere.'
Such a shame, his Spring Summer 2013 Collection was one of the most acclaimed shows during the spring fashion season as well...
So all bets are in, who will become Balenciaga's next Creative Director?